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Ask About Our Specials

Every girl needs beautiful brows & you've come to the right place! Brow shaping is an art, that I happen to LOVE! Brow shaping is based on your bone structure & the natural way that your hair already grows. I use a specialized techinque where we measure different parts of your face to determine where your brows should be placed, the length, & the width of them!

After we shape them I will teach you how to fill in your brows so you can achieve those perfectly shaped brows day in & day out.

Microblading is the newest & hottest thing to hit the semi-permanent makeup scene. {Also known as 3D Brows.} Microblading is a technique where I use a handtool to draw tiny little hair strokes into your brows to make them appear more full & perfectly shaped. It is very natural looking & is perfect for those that maybe over plucked in their teens, have patchy brows, alopetica, or just don't grow hair there anymore! The treatment last anywhere from 6 months - 3 years. Price includes touch up. You will be so excited with your new brow transformation!

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